Younger generations in Switzerland prefer crypto currencies to gold

According to a representative survey by Migros Bank, younger generations are increasingly betting on crypto-currencies instead of physical gold. Around 7 percent of the 18- to 55-year-old Swiss population have invested money in bitcoin or in other crypto-currencies. That is more than they have invested in physical gold. For the over-55s, by contrast, the preference […]

The truth behind the World Economic Forum’s CBDC Policy-Maker Toolkit

At the end of January, the World Economic Forum in Davos published a 28-page guide for central banks entitled “Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC Policy-Maker Toolkit“. The document is intended to help countries to introduce digital currencies. An insight from Demelza Hays. The World Economic Forum’s Central Bank Digital Currency Policy-Maker Toolkit is a document […]

JPMorgan study on blockchain, digital money and crypto-currencies

The US investment bank JPMorgan Chase has published a report on blockchain, digital and crypto-currencies. The report states that blockchain is still many years away from being widely used. In the 74-page report, the report’s authors state that they see “long-term potential” for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to change the current business model for banks, […]

Weekly Bitcoin/USD chart analysis: Calendar Week 9

Bitcoin/USD daily basis (Source:  Bitcoin/USD – for the time being, consolidation below newly created highs taking place The price of bitcoin has moved away from its recent highs of USD 10,500 in the reporting week. From Sunday onwards, the price traded downwards with lower highs and lows. With partly high daily bandwidths, the price […]

Major German companies plan to use blockchain in the logistics sector

German companies Edeka, Lidl, Henkel, SAP, Lufthansa and several other large companies are planning a joint blockchain project for the exchange of load carriers. Well-known companies are working on blockchain projects This was announced by the German branch of the standardization organization GS1. The companies involved in the project, all of which have a turnover […]

US proposal on tax exempt investments in the equity market

The White House is exploring ways to create incentives for US households to invest in the stock market. One proposal is that a portion of income for investment purposes would be tax-exempt. According to CNBC, the Trump administration is currently examining several proposals as part of an upcoming stimulus package set to include tax-free investments […]

Calls for the development of a European strategy for digital financial services

The French SEC-equivalent AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers), detailed the existing issue on approaches taken regarding digital currencies. In their report, the AMF called on the European Commission to develop a strategy for digital financial services. The Fintech dossier called for the EU to “regulate the issuance and exchange of financial instruments in a blockchain […]