Modern credit cards were invented in the 1950s but took time to gain widespread adoption. It wasn’t until the 1970s that clear rules for fair lending were established, eliminating discrimination. Despite initial skepticism and high levels of defaulting, consumer trust in credit cards gradually grew through regulatory oversight and value-added services. This paved the way for their widespread use today.Internet banking, introduced in the late 1980s, saw slow adoption as concerns around online security, computer literacy, and internet access were addressed. The journey began with United American Bank offering the first home banking service in 1980. By 2006, approximately 80% of all U.S. banks provided internet banking services. In 2009, the world saw the establishment of its first all-digital bank, Ally Bank. As of 2022, 80% of banking customers globally regularly use mobile banking technology, highlighting the constant evolution of online banking.

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Information Details
Geography North America
Countries 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 1
People None
Companies New York City, Ally Bank, Bank of Scotland, Stanford Federal Credit Union, United American Bank
Currencies None
Securities None

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