australia 715 crypto negative
Friday the 13th is often associated with horror and superstition, and in the world of cryptocurrencies, there have been some truly terrifying stories. One such story involves QuadrigaCX, Canada’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, which unexpectedly collapsed, leaving 115,000 investors and over $190 million missing. The founder of the exchange, Gerald Cotten, had recently married Jennifer Robertson and made her the sole beneficiary of his estate before his sudden death in India. However, it was later discovered that Cotten had run a Ponzi scheme and had taken the missing assets to the grave with him. Robertson faced backlash from angry users and had to go through a lengthy bankruptcy procedure.In another chilling tale, an Indian man resorted to faking his own kidnapping to extort money from his family after suffering losses from Bitcoin investments. This desperate act showcases the risks and pressures that can come with investing in cryptocurrencies.Additionally, there have been cases of sextortion in Australia, where victims are targeted with threats to release explicit images or videos unless they pay a ransom in Bitcoin. Extortionists gain access to victims’ personal information and contacts, making the situation even more distressing. These stories serve as cautionary tales, highlighting the potential dangers and vulnerabilities associated with cryptocurrencies.As we reflect on these crypto horror stories, it is important to remember the importance of safe internet practices and to approach cryptocurrency investments with caution. The world of cryptocurrencies can be risky, and it is crucial to stay informed and vigilant to protect oneself from potential scams and extortion attempts.

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Information Details
Geography Australia
Countries 🇦🇺 🇮🇳
Sentiment negative
Relevance Score 1
People None
Companies None
Currencies Indian Rupee, Bitcoin
Securities None

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