The Stellar Development Foundation has joined the Bytecode Alliance, an industry group promoting the development of WebAssembly (Wasm). Wasm is a competitor to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) used by the Ethereum ecosystem, and is also used in non-blockchain, browser-based applications. In April 2022, Stellar developers chose Wasm as their computation engine, arguing that it was perfect for “extremely adversarial” environments like blockchains.The Bytecode Alliance is a non-profit organization made up of internet companies such as Amazon, Cosco, Intel, Microsoft, and others. When Stellar chose Wasm as its computation engine, Internet Computer developer Dfinity was the only member of the alliance representing a blockchain network. Joining the Bytecode Alliance was a “no-brainer” for Stellar, as it would allow the team to “influence standards and tooling” within the Wasm development community.The Wasm community continues to make inroads into the EVM-dominated Web3 world. On April 3, The Astar network announced that it would allow both EVM and Wasm contracts to be deployed on the same network, allowing developers to use either virtual machine. On Aug. 22, Binance announced it would provide $2.2 million in funding for a zero-knowledge proof application platform using Wasm called “zkWASMHub.”

Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 8
People None
Currencies Ethereum, BNB, AVAX, DOT, EGLD
Securities None

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