Hamza Lemssouguer, a former star trader at Credit Suisse, has achieved impressive success with his hedge fund, Arini, last year, leaving most competitors far behind. This is despite his involvement with Signa Development, a unit of the insolvent real estate firm Signa Holding, owned by Austrian investor René Benko.

Lemssouguer’s hedge fund is part of an investor group that holds bonds worth around 150 million euros. The turmoil around Signa seems to have barely affected the investment vehicle.

The “Arini Credit Master Fund”, with a volume of 2.7 billion dollars, reportedly achieved a return of 32 percent. The newly founded “Arini Structured Credit Equity Fund” also demonstrated strong performance with a 26.7 percent return. These results stand out significantly from the average return of 8 percent that credit hedge funds achieved last year, according to Bloomberg. Arini’s profits are primarily due to bets that debtors who had taken out loans during the time of cheap money would have difficulty refinancing their debts.

33-year-old Lemssouguer, who made a name for himself at Credit Suisse with risky large bets on high-yield bonds and credit default swaps, founded Arini Capital in 2022. Since then, the company’s total assets have grown to 3.7 billion dollars.

Arini, named after the parrots that Lemssouguer breeds, is also building a business with Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO) in Europe and plans to open two new CLO warehouses. During his time at the Swiss bank, the Moroccan-born trader achieved an annual gross return of 38 percent.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇦🇹 🇨🇭 🇲🇦
Sentiment positive
Relevance Score 1
People René Benko, Hamza Lemssouguer
Companies Signa Development, Signa Holding, Arini, Bloomberg, Credit Suisse
Currencies Euro, US Dollar
Securities None

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