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A new hook has been introduced on the open-source directory for Uniswap V4 hooks, causing controversy in the crypto community. This hook allows users to undergo Know Your Customer (KYC) checks before trading on a pool. However, some users are criticizing the hook, expressing concerns that it could lead to decentralized finance protocols being whitelisted by regulators. They fear that this could eventually result in non-KYC transactions being labeled as illegal terrorist money laundering. A hook is a tool that allows developers to customize code without altering the main structure of the program. In the case of Uniswap V4, this hook enables developers to incorporate KYC verification into the decentralized finance protocol. KYC procedures are commonly used by financial institutions to verify customer identities and assess associated risks, with the aim of detecting money laundering and terrorist financing activities.The KYC hook was introduced by a community developer on Uniswap V4’s directory as an optional feature. The verification process is carried out through a nonfungible token (NFT). Some users argue that this hook is specifically designed for liquidity providers and can be beneficial for projects that need to comply with regulatory requirements in certain jurisdictions. They emphasize that hooks can be created by community developers and criticize those who are dismissing this feature, highlighting the contributions made by Uniswap V4 to the realm of “real defi.”Governments worldwide are increasingly scrutinizing DeFi protocols and transactions. The G20, a group of the world’s largest economies, recently accepted a crypto regulatory roadmap proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB), which aims to tighten crypto regulations.Uniswap V4 is set to introduce customizable hooks and is expected to be available in early 2024, with access limited to governance-approved entities.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment negative
Relevance Score 1
People None
Companies International Monetary Fund (IMF), X, G20, Uniswap V4, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Currencies None
Securities None

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