The Horizon project, created by Brazilian duo Raffaela Loffredo and Barba, has been recognized as one of the winners of the Chainlink Constellation Hackathon’s ‘High Quality’ award. This innovative project operates as a consortium platform on the blockchain, allowing users to deposit values into a pool and participate in monthly adjudication rounds. The selection of users is done using Chainlink’s VRF random number generator, and the value withdrawal requires leaving behind an equivalent collateral. Chainlink’s Functions tool is used to verify the price of the collateral by collecting real-world data through APIs.

One of the standout features of Horizon is its interoperability across different blockchains, made possible by Chainlink’s CCIP resource. Additionally, the platform proposes investing the pool’s funds in low-risk DeFi protocols to generate returns.

The creators of Horizon, Loffredo and Barba, are newcomers to the blockchain industry. They decided to participate in the hackathon after engaging with Brazilian Web3 communities and receiving support and advice. Despite facing challenges and the need to learn new concepts like frontend development, they successfully developed Horizon’s interface within a week.

Looking ahead, the duo has plans to enhance and sustain the project. This includes fee management and selecting DeFi protocols for pool capital investment. They envision the platform’s potential to facilitate credit access and help individuals achieve their financial dreams, particularly through the tokenization of real assets on the Drex layer.

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Information Details
Geography South America
Countries 🇧🇷
Sentiment very positive
Relevance Score 1
People Raffaela Loffredo, Barba
Companies Drex, Chainlink, Horizon
Currencies None
Securities None

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