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The World Bank has made history by issuing a 100 million euros ($105 million) digital bond on Euroclear’s blockchain-based securities issuance platform. This move marks the first use of Euroclear’s Digital Securities Issuance (D-SI) service, which allows for the issuance, distribution, and settlement of tokenized securities on the blockchain. The two-year bond, listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, was issued by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the World Bank’s lending arm, with the aim of supporting sustainable development activities. Citi, TD Securities, and Euroclear Bank played key roles in the issuance and trading of the bond. Euroclear’s D-SI service is part of its broader strategy to expand its digital capabilities, and the blockchain platform is connected to Euroclear’s traditional settlement system, allowing for the trading of Digitally Native Notes (DNNs) on existing venues. This innovative issuance has the potential to transform the debt capital markets.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Sentiment positive
Relevance Score 1
People Andrew Mulley, Anshula Kant
Companies World Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), TD Securities, Euroclear, Citi
Currencies None
Securities None

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