Teylor, a European SME lending company, and Taurus, a crypto startup, have joined forces to launch a blockchain-based security that aims to make SME loans accessible as an asset class. Previously, it has been relatively difficult for investors to invest in SME loans. The Zurich-based Teylor grants and manages SME loans through its credit platform. By tokenizing a portion of this loan portfolio on Taurus’ regulated marketplace, professional private debt investors can now participate in the returns through a blockchain-based secondary market. This is the first tokenization of a Luxembourg-based private debt portfolio.

Teylor regularly receives inquiries from smaller family offices and individual professional investors who are interested in benefiting from the returns of their portfolio. However, this group of investors typically does not have sufficient capital for a private transaction. With the “Teylor Token,” the company is now able to offer a standardized investment product.

Teylor has recently secured a financing agreement of €275 million for a debt vehicle from Barclays, M&G, and other investors. CEO Patrick Stäuble stated in a recent interview that the German SME lending market alone has an annual volume of around €100 billion, and it is even higher across Europe.

Taurus, on the other hand, provides an infrastructure for digital assets. Their TDX marketplace brings together a wide range of registered banks, family offices, institutional, and professional investors who want to buy and sell tokenized securities.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇨🇭 🇱🇺 🇩🇪
Sentiment very positive
Relevance Score 1
People Patrick Stäuble
Companies TDX, Barclays, M&G, Taurus, Teylor
Currencies None
Securities None

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