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Security researcher and developer Antoine Riard has announced his departure from the Lightning Network’s development due to security concerns and fundamental challenges to the Bitcoin ecosystem. Riard believes that the Bitcoin community is facing a difficult situation as a new type of attack, known as a replacement cycling attack, poses a significant threat to the Lightning Network. This attack allows hackers to steal funds from payment channels by exploiting inconsistencies between individual mempools. Riard suggests that addressing this vulnerability may require changes to the underlying Bitcoin network, which would require transparency and buy-in from the entire community. Despite its popularity, with a total value locked of $159.5 million, the Lightning Network still faces criticisms regarding its complexity and user experience. Riard plans to shift his focus to Bitcoin core development but warns of upcoming challenges for the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 1
People Antoine Riard
Companies Linux Foundation, Bitcoin core development, Lightning Network, Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin
Currencies Bitcoin
Securities None

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