After overcoming several difficulties that the year 2020 has brought, we can finally announce fresh news regarding our trading platform MachinaTrader! 📣🚀

We are releasing the new version with our newly optimized engine for backtesting and paper trading! We have put so much focus, effort, and time into the development of the new engine for the following reasons:

  • Base compatibility for traditional asset classes and brokers
  • C# editor with full .NET support as well as Python editor
  • Strategies can be executed on external nodes, allowing ultra-scalability
  • Automatic decentral node deployment

During this release and testing phase, which lasts until the end of April, we aim to validate the new engine, the strategy development area, and paper trading. Therefore, we are extremely happy for any feedback and suggestions for improvement from you.

In combination with this testing phase, we are also initiating the following promotion: Every working trading strategy that is submitted to us by the 15th of April and is successfully revised and uploaded to our open-source library will receive 50 USD in BTC. By 15 of April, when we will activate the live trading functionality, we will launch a community vote to reward the top 3 strategies:

  • 1st Place: 250 USD in BTC
  • 2nd Place: 150 USD in BTC
  • 3rd Place: 50 USD in BTC

This applies for now only to the first private phase users and those who have already won private access in our competitions. Those users will receive a deployment notification via Email tonight, where you can follow the usual login steps to use the platform. We will gradually expand the amount of access after April. For those who also want to get access, please write an email to and let us know why you’re the right one to participate in our testing phase.

So long!

Bob & the rest of your MachinaTrader Team

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