Matthias Geissbühler, the investment chief at Raiffeisen, leads clients through the stock market during the week. However, on Saturdays, he takes on a different role as singer-songwriter Matt, showcasing his new album to the audience. In an interview with, Geissbühler discusses his passion for music and the parallels he sees between music and investing.

The Rothschild & Co Bank has experienced significant gains from the turbulence at Credit Suisse. This is evident not only in the substantial increase in profits during the first half of 2023 but also in the bank’s engagement of numerous customer advisor teams. CEO Laurent Gagnebin explains that the signs point to growth in multiple aspects.

Gianpiero Galasso, who made a long journey within Credit Suisse before leaving the bank after 25 years to join Vontobel, reflects on his decision. In an interview with, Galasso explains that his intuition told him something was amiss even back then. He has ambitious plans for 2024.

Swiss banks should embrace chatbot technology more aggressively, according to Aniello Bove, a partner at technology consultancy Capco. Bove believes that Swiss banks have yet to fully tap into the potential of chatbots and should adopt them more proactively.

These interviews on provide a multifaceted view of the financial world in 2023, characterized by change, challenge, and innovation. From Mara Harvey, the former banker who has redefined her role, to Matthias Geissbühler, the investment chief and singer-songwriter, each interview sheds light on different aspects of the industry.

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