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Diversification and gender equality in the workplace continue to be important issues, especially for publicly traded companies. This has led to investment implications as more market participants demand diversity, equity, and inclusion. One ETF that addresses these concerns is the Calvert US Large-Cap Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Index ETF (CDEI). Managed actively, CDEI offers exposure to domestic large-cap firms that are believed to be effectively managing diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. This is particularly relevant as data suggests that women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and still have ground to make up in the workforce. A recent op-ed in Barron’s highlighted some concerning gender gaps in the workforce. While women make up less than half of the overall workforce, they represent 56% of part-time workers. This is problematic because many women are willing and able to take on full-time roles, and part-time work often comes with lower compensation. The gender gap in hours worked has also widened, with women working two hours less per week compared to pre-pandemic levels, while men’s workweek has remained unchanged. As a result, women earn less than men, both in terms of total earnings and hourly wages.Although CDEI is not specifically focused on gender lens investing, its sector exposures are relevant to the conversation about women in the workforce. Industries with volatile hiring patterns, such as travel and leisure, contribute to job loss and increased part-time participation among women. However, these industries make up a small portion of the CDEI portfolio. To address the gender gap and boost female labor force participation, companies themselves need to take action. This includes building trust, ensuring equitable pay, and creating an environment that encourages employees to stay with the organization. By doing so, organizations can help reduce turnover and support the advancement of women in the workforce.In conclusion, the issue of diversification and gender equality in the workplace has investment implications, and the Calvert US Large-Cap Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Index ETF (CDEI) aims to address these concerns. However, there is still work to be done to close the gender gap and promote greater female labor force participation.

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Information Details
Geography North America
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 1
People Mary Hayes, Nela Richardson
Companies Calvert US Large-Cap Diversity, Responsible Investing Channel, ADP Research Institute, Equity and Inclusion Index ETF (CDEI), Barron’s
Currencies None
Securities None

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