global 715 crypto negative
A popular Telegram bot called Unibot, which is used for trading on the decentralized exchange Uniswap, was recently hacked. The exploit on a newly deployed contract allowed the hacker to steal around $560,000 worth of various memecoins from users. The blockchain security firm Scopescan alerted Unibot users about the ongoing hack, and Unibot later confirmed the issue and paused its router to contain the problem. Users were advised to revoke approvals for the exploited contract and move their funds to a new wallet. The hacker is currently converting the stolen memecoins into Ether. As a result of the hack, the price of the UNIBOT token dropped by 42.7% in just one hour. Unibot has committed to compensating all users who lost funds due to the exploit. The loot primarily consisted of cryptocurrencies such as JOE, UNIBOT, and BCAT. Another similar contract exploit recently drained 280 ETH from users of Maestrobots, a group of cryptocurrency bots on Telegram. Maestrobots compensated affected users with the ETH equivalent of their tokens, plus an additional 20%. Blockchain security firm CertiK confirmed the transactions showing the compensation paid out to Maestrobots users.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment negative
Relevance Score 1
People None
Companies Scopescan, Unibot, Maestrobots, CertiK, Cointelegraph
Currencies Basic Attention, Ethereum, Unibot, JOE
Securities None

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