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Pro-crypto candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced his decision to drop out of the Democratic primary and run as an independent candidate for the United States presidency. Kennedy has been a vocal supporter of cryptocurrency and aims to make America the global hub for digital currencies, particularly Bitcoin. He has proposed backing the USD with hard currency, including gold, silver, platinum, and Bitcoin. Kennedy has also expressed opposition to the Federal Reserve’s FedNow instant payment system, equating it with a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and warning of the dangers of financial slavery and political tyranny. Despite his family’s association with the Democratic Party, Kennedy’s positions on various issues, such as his opposition to vaccines, have alienated him from the party mainstream and his own family. Polls show that Kennedy would be the strongest independent candidate in modern U.S. election history, with 19% support from the electorate. However, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump leading the polls for the two main parties, it remains to be seen if the next president will be a crypto opponent who supports CBDCs, despite suggestions within the industry that cryptocurrency will be a decisive issue in the 2024 presidential election.

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Information Details
Geography North America
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 0
People Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Marianne Williamson
Companies American Values 2024, Federal Reserve Board
Currencies Bitcoin
Securities None

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