global 703 crypto positive
Bitget, a top cryptocurrency derivatives exchange and copy trading platform, has announced a strategic partnership with Cobo SuperLoop, an off-exchange settlement network by the renowned leader in institutional digital asset custody technologies. This integration marks a significant step forward for both organizations and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.The collaboration is driven by a shared commitment to enhancing trust and fund security for cryptocurrency investors. Through this integration, Bitget users can now trade on the exchange while securely holding their assets off-exchange, protected by Cobo’s advanced wallet technologies. This empowers investors with unparalleled peace of mind and ensures the highest level of security for their digital assets.The partnership also aims to optimize fund utilization. By leveraging Cobo SuperLoop, investors can seamlessly execute cross-exchange transactions and capitalize on arbitrage opportunities, all without the necessity of depositing funds directly onto the exchanges. This innovative solution not only simplifies and secures trading, but also significantly reduces on-chain transaction gas costs, making crypto investments more efficient and cost-effective.Bitget’s institutional clients now have the option to safeguard their funds using Cobo’s MPC multi-party computation (MPC) wallets or custodial wallets. This strategic move is aimed at providing a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading solution tailored to meet the diverse needs of institutional investors. Notably, Cobo’s MPC wallets employ state-of-the-art multi-party computation technologies and a threshold signature scheme (TSS) to deliver military-grade security while offering asset recovery capabilities in the event the client’s key-share is lost or compromised.The partnership between Bitget and Cobo signifies a significant stride for both organizations, underscoring their shared vision for the cryptocurrency industry’s long-term potential. This collaboration aims to set new industry standards in fund security, trading efficiency, and investor protection.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment positive
Relevance Score 10
People Dr. Changhao Jiang, Lionel Messi, Gracy Chen
Companies SuperLoop, TSS, Cobo, MPC, Bitget
Currencies Ethereum, US Dollar, Bitcoin, Euro
Securities None

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