global 711 crypto positive
Bitget, a top crypto derivatives and copy trading platform, has released its latest monthly Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, showing a total reserve ratio of 208%. This report is part of Bitget’s commitment to comprehensive transparency and to ensure that user funds are fully backed 1:1 and available on demand.Gracy Chen, Managing Director at Bitget, highlighted the importance of this dedication to transparency, saying “Bitget remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring the utmost security and transparency for our users. We prioritize both financial solidity and technical robustness to instill unwavering confidence in our user base. Bitget will persist in releasing regular Proof of Reserves reports as a cornerstone of trust within our platform.”In addition to its commitment to transparency, Bitget is also dedicated to user asset security. The exchange carries out regular audits of the PoRs, collaborating with leading audit firms to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of user asset balances within its reserves. To provide an additional layer of safeguard for its users, Bitget has established a $300 Million Protection Fund. This fund is designed to cover users’ losses in the event of compromised accounts or lost assets due to unforeseen events or trading behavior beyond their control.Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange that offers Copy Trading services as one of its key features. Serving over 20 million users in more than 100 countries and regions, the exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop trading solution. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and official eSports events organizer PGL.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment positive
Relevance Score 10
People Lionel Messi, Gracy Chen
Companies audit firms, Gracy Chen, Proof of Reserves, Bitget, Protection Fund
Currencies None
Securities None

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